Wednesday, February 22, 2012

#OBITUARI - Ferry Titaley

unfortunately this midnite I opened one Twitter and shocked - @pancasarungu Turut berduka buat kel bsr Titan convex bro RT @mohd_athar Telah dipanggil Tuhan YME Fernando H. Titaley, Senin Pagi jam 03.10 di RS Medistra. Misa akan di adakan di rumah duka Jl.Pajajaran 66, Mediterania 1, Sentul City pada hari ini selasa, 21/2 pukul 10 s/d jam 11. Jenazah berangkat jam 11 ke krematorium Oasis Tangerang. Jam 13 mulai acara kremasi - ... pak Ferry??? we've been together at Rantai Expo Int'l for some years (IIOGE 1999 and IITELMIT 2000). He's still young enough. May God give Ferry the best place next to Him.